Prophecies to watch:

Celebrities calamities

In my vision, two celebrities ladies were murdered around the same time in two similar cities with high minority population. [Given, Jan.96] (May those celebrities find Christ before it's too late!){vis96.1.a}

Future Technology foreseen!

Yea, It's not here yet, neither do I know if anyone is working on these in the background: WATCH FOR THEM-->
I saw this in the visions of the night: an invention, involving chemical and electronic levitation devices which individual can use to go up and stand in the air above the crowd. Used by security personnels to watch the crowd around presidential or international figures. Not a balloon as we know it today! They use one chemical (gas) to go up, and another to come down.
In another vision, small cars are able to levitate above ground as they run, carrying passengers. Yea, will these be in the millenium or before millenium? Let's wait and see.
Touch sensitive selection on big screen computers foreseen. You can display National map and simply touch the state you want, and the screen will sense your fingers. (Currently, mouse clicking of maps possible).{vis96.1.m}

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Gospel Distribution Ministry, USA.