Hey, do you know those people who claim to be born again and who said Jesus is inside of them? And they said they don't have any interest in a lot of those "fun", you know? Do you think they are a "freak"?

I thought they were! One of them met me one day and started to talk to me trying to preach to me. I really did not want to be preached to because I have my own religion and my own way of calling upon God, and I just thought they were overdoing it also.

This preacher said, "friend, are you ready to meet God? What are you doing about the hereafter, or are you one of those who care less about it?"

I said to him, "I'm trying my best in my religion and however no one really knows till that day who will enter heaven."

Then he said, "Not so friend; every religion may be telling us to try our best; but the One and only personality who boldly and vindictively declared that 'I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me', is Jesus Christ. And Jesus also said 'he that believeth in me has everlasting life, and he that cometh to me I will in no wise cast him out'".

I told this preacher that "if Jesus Christ claimed such uniqueness, he is either extremely right as God, or extremely wrong, because no other God-sent messenger had ever claimed to be the only way."

"No one else ever said 'all they that have come before him are thieves and robbers'" (Jn.10:8), he replied. The preacher said further, "Do you know that a voice came down from heaven which said of Jesus: this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him'?"

"I know that", I replied; "it was heard by many people and our religion believed that it happened."

"Then he can only be altogether right, and we are all condemned if we refuse to follow him. Even the man that was born blind, to whom Jesus recreated eyes, said: 'since the world began was it not heard that anyman opened the eyes of one born blind; if this man were not of God, he could do nothing'."

The preacher continued and said, "Jesus really made it very simple for us when he said all we need is to be born again."

"Tell me more about this 'born-again' experience", I replied. "I have heard a lot about it."

Then he went on and said: "It's a miracle which Jesus gives to everyone that accepts him as the Lord and only Saviour. Just like he heals the lame legs and blind eyes, he also will touch the heart and mind supernaturally and set us free from sinful desires without which we cannot do right everytime, and without which we cannot enter the kingdom of God.

When you are born again by the Spirit of God, you will immediately have love and desire to live right. You will begin to see clearly why some habits which are declared by the bible to be sinful are sinful. You will have a changed heart to hate those habits and love to read the bible and to know more about Jesus and the kingdom of God. In fact, when you have the 'born-again' experience, there will be in you a change of ideas about life, a change of taste for habits, a change of ambitions now to please God henceforth, and a change of desire. Your heart and mind will be free from guilt and from sin as the Lord removes the demons away from you, which also will free you from many diseases. It's as if your long-broken phone line now comes alive again. What a joy as you can henceforth dial out and receive calls -- direct connection with the Father. For it is truly that Jesus Christ said 'I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.' It is only by accepting Jesus Christ as the only Savior, and asking him for the 'born-again' experience that you can enter heaven, and live again forever with God in the new world to come."

He said to me also: "What do you have to lose friend, except your sins? He loves you and will give you this miracle even now, which will remove the sinful desires from you with your cooperation. The time is short! Don't put it off! Today is the day of salvation!"

After hearing all these, I said to the preacher, "I think you are right; pray for me. I have some habits which I have been struggling to get rid of. I want Jesus to come into my heart and remove those bad habits from me."

Then we prayed together. You know, after the prayer, I felt so good in me that I just cannot describe it with words. If I had a packet of cigarettes on me that day, I would have just thrown it into the garbage because I felt so good and do not need any more tranquilizers to make me happy or calm. I was no more interested in the bad habits. I said to myself, "this is the born-again experience! Hey, it's no freak! It's real!" Like a new born babe, I love people and I could trust people like I want myself to be trusted. I felt an assurance in my heart that I can meet God now; no more guilt! I am forgiven! I began to love God and wanting to see him. Indeed, "the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit" when we are born again. (Testimony from a dear friend).

Friend, won't you also give your heart to Jesus now and get your miracle today? Be born again! The time is short. Don't put it off. Today is the day of salvation. It's simple! Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior right now by sincerely saying this prayer with me: "Lord Jesus Christ, I know you can touch the heart and make me free from sin. I have some sins and I want to be saved from hell and destruction. I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. I repent from my sins and ask you to come into my heart. Let me sin no more. Help me to love and to obey the bible. I give my life into your hands, and I believe you have accepted me. I trust I shall live with you in the kingdom of God forever. Thank you Lord. Amen!"

Jesus has heard your prayers, for his eyes run to and fro the whole earth to prove himself strong to all them that trust in him. Read the bible daily and learn from it. Attend a good gospel-preaching church near you and you may write to us for more literature to build up your faith. God bless you!

Gospel Distribution Ministry,