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Date: Friday, 27-Sep-96 01:19 PM

From: jackline

To: Julius Adewumi \

Subject: how to remain born again

I became born again on the 18/8/96, and some I fall back and repeat the same sin and then I regret and beg GOD for forgiveness and say I woud not do this again and so on, but I still repeat that same sin, please you help me pray against any kind of sin and also tell how to grow in my faith and be a good Christian. I was wondering if it is possible for to print out you book from the web, that is am I allowed to print out I mean.

thanks jackie

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Dear Jackline,

peace be unto you. Feel free to print and read or freely distribute the literatures you find on my homepage to help others in the gospel.

Concerning your in and out of sin, you have got to make up your mind to give up the sin and also give up the sin-partners, if any. It is very common for new believers to still hang around their former partners in sin, which tells the cause of continual sin. Prayer of deliverance is what you need, and we will pray for you. However, the ball is really at your court. You have a will power to say NO to the sins and then prayer of faith will help set you free. Also, the word of God sets people free as it is written "thou shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free!"; Therefore it is compulsory that you look for a bible study group where the fundamental gospel is taught, and attend regularly, and also daily study the epistles in the new-testament, and apply the teaching to yourself praying after every chapter you read. To remain born-again, you must deep your nose into the bible, to study it daily, and give up other worldly literatures.

May the Lord give you understanding. And I pray for you right now that the deliverance anointing come upon you and set you free from the lusts of the flesh, and from the lusts of the eyes and from all sins caused by the pride of life, in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

God bless you. Let me know how you are doing further.

Bro. Julius Adewumi

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Date: Thursday, 19-Sep-96 06:00 PM

From: Xou

To: Julius Adewumi \

Subject: Spiritual Things

Dear Julius Adewumi,

Greetings! I wasn't sure if the email I sent yesterday made it to you because of some computer error so to be on the safe side, I'm writing to you this one. Allow me to introduce myself to you. "Hi!" My name is Xou . I wrote to you twice last year but you probably don't remember, but that's okay. I use to go to the U of MN, Morris but transferred to Iowa State U now. I'm now a sophomore and majoring in computer science. English is my second language, Hmong is my native tongue. I am a young man whose heart was changed by the Lord. I love Him and desire to know Him more in a personal way. If fasting is the case, so be it, I will do it.

..... It was four years ago at a Christian Camp that I found the strength to leave the life of sin, or so I thought. I was baptize that year. Here is my first question: 1. I don't think I was baptize correctly in the name of Jesus...but the titles were used (the father, son, and holy spirit)...Shall I be rebaptize properly according the scripture in the name of Jesus?

Weeks after camp, I fell back into sin and on the same rode again. I wanted to be fully Christian yet at the same time couldn't let go the friends, the lust of the flesh, the life of independence, etc... Last year when I came upon your literature...they challenge me to live for God and let go of my sins. I did, for a little while...

2. I came across a book about curses in the Christian perspective. It said that if you make a vow to God and forsake it, we are curse by God. Do you think I was curse for the water baptism and forgetting Him?


3. When you fast, do you sleep? If so, how much? About praising and praying, how much time should be spent on each during fasting? Of anoiting in the scripture, how do you go about it? You also mention that one should not fast yet until one had baptize with the Holy Spirit, does that mean I should start yet? At least not until I've received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and with fire? Tell me how you fast.




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Dear Xou,

I remember you quite well and I wondered why I did not receive emails from you since the last time I replied to your mail. I am glad to hear from you again.

Concerning your questions, re-baptism is not the cure for sliding

back into sin. You have to make up your mind completely to follow

the Lord, and then be baptized. "Following the Lord" means you have decided to turn your back on those worldly things which may want to pull you back, including friends -- you will make new friends.

About "curse", the whole world is under the wrath of God for not accepting salvation through Jesus. Each of us who runs to Christ have simply run out from under the curse. So when you come out from under the curse, don't go back underneath it.

When fasting, you will be able to sleep in the night. Study the scriptures more and sing praises to God at regular hours of the day before prayers. Personally, I sing like worship service by myself for about 1-hour before I sleep in the night, and another 1-hour when I wake in the early morning (3am - 5am), then I pray and study the bible and go to bed again. During the day, I pray every 3 hours for about 15 minutes which include some worship songs, as the Spirit leads. I keep to that whther fasting or not. It only becomes for consuming while fasting. Of course if fasting, I do more scripture studies since I do nothing other than that.

If you have committed your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, you can do any little fasts 2 days, 3 days, even if you have not received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, but don't embark on a long 10 day, 20, or 40 days fast without the Holy Ghost baptism.

God bless

Bro. Julius.

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Date: Saturday, 17-Aug-96 12:46 AM

From: Leif

To: Julius Adewumi \

Subject: Re: Thank You.

I did not get to talk to her really all this week and I was having a realy bad week. It is strange she was having a bad week as well. Somehow we seem linked to eachother in some mental/spiritual way. I normally nail it 100% when she was having tough times, through her boot camp I was on 100% of the time and lately when she has called I would say yesterday was bad and she would say yes.

I make prayer a daily part of my life, getting into the word is a little tougher than that but I will have to make time for it. BUT I normally have a 3 mile prayer walk and pray about anything that touches my heart. One time I was hit like with a sledge hammer and just felt I had to pray for her. IT was a bad day for her and a bad time for her but at about the time I was praying she started feeling better. I found this out by saying to her last night at about 11PM you felt realy bad yes or no, and then shortly after that you felt much better yes or no. She said yes to BOTH. PRAYER WORKS! I fullt belive it, but I just am having a difficult time with her away in the Marine corps and me stuck in Chicago... If it was not for the Military I could bet we would be getting married shortly if not already married.

THANK YOU for your prayers.

- leif

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there is a deeper walk the Lord wants to take you to. But you must "study to show thyself approved unto God" as "a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2Tim.2:15). If you are on internet, you can easily read literatures that present the word of God in the light of revelation. That is why I invite you to regularly visit our ministry homepage of the Gospel-Distribution-Ministry and read sermons and literatures for your edification.

God bless.

Bro Julius

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Date: Thursday, 01-Aug-96 09:00 PM

From: Lewie

To: Julius Adewumi \


Here are some vocal experiences I have had in the spirit. If you can confirm or refute them, please drop a brief but patient note to R.G.

Praise JESUS /HALLELUYAH forever While reading John 8:24, I heard a quiet, powerful voice say, ³I am that I am, now do you understand why the world¹s not interested in the truth?² this was in 1970 Before going to sleep, one spring night in 1971, I heard a voice that sounded like a waterfall, shouting, ³Strong is the Lord God who judges Babylon.² In the summer of 1972 I heard the waterfall voice say, ³Hear O Israel hear, this one shall be free.² Late spring of 1973 found me witnessing a quiet, powerful voice say, ³ You alone have I seen righteous in your generation.² During the summer of 1992, I received a vision of heat and light all over city park in Bowling Green, Ohio, and I heard the still small voice say, ³It is finished,² what Christ said at the cross (John 19:30) During the summer of 1993, after placing olive oil on my head in the configuration of a menorah (seven branched candlestick of orthodox Jewish faith, which represents the Seven Spirits of God), I heard the following words: I have strengthened you on the bed of languishing, yet you are reluctant to praise me; I have given you visions and dreams, and yet you are slow to believe; I have prospered you, yet you rob me continually; I have spoken to you with the still, small voice and the voice of many waters, yet you have hardened your hearts; Ihave given you a pastor who faithfully brings forth my word, yet you speak against him, behind his back, thinking that I cannot hear you ; I have taken you to the banquet halls where my banner over you was love, yet you have hated and despised me; I have plucked some of you from the very fires, yet you do not return to thank me. The time approaches, in fact it is here, when sore punishment will strike those who have trodden my Son underfoot.

Some of you are troubled by what your spiritual eyes have already seen. Strengthen what is ready to die, for I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I choose to have compassion.

On may 28, 1995, while praying in tongues at Foodtown Plus on South Main Street, Bowling Green, Ohio, I heard a quiet presence say, with much indignation, ³I am the Lord Jesus Christ, put an end to the abortions, or I will put an end to your country.² On july 15, 1995, again while praying in tongues, I heard a quiet voice say, ³I am feeding you manna from heaven....... eat and be satisfied .......continue praising my Son Jesus¹s name.......for I inhabit the praises of my people.......soon the wicked will be punished...... those who trust in me will be pleased....... those who fight against me will be ashamed. On september 8, 1995, again praying in tongues, I received the following interpretation: ³I am taking the cup of astonishment out of your hands....... I will compel your enemies, persecutors and oppressors to drink it instead.......they will drink and swallow down, and be as though they were not. Most recently, I heard the still, small voice say, ³The nations are drunk on Babylon¹s wine, therefore the nations are deranged.²Soon afterwards I heard the still small voice say, "I AM GOING TO STRIKE EVERY HORSE AND ITS RIDER WITH ASTONISHMENT"

I have received a vision in which a giant hand is seen pushing a gungray metal coffin into a church. The still small voice says, "I have placed the seventh coffin in the Roman Catholic Church." One thing that still intrigues me, is where to find old covenant scriptural corroboration for Christ¹s words in St. John 7:37-39. See Isa.55:1.

Please pray for me and my family, and may God bless you according to your works and your faith in Jesus Christ!!!!!!! Please feel free to address any or all of these messages, or to contribute to the welfare of the frail vessel through which they came, and do so in love and in patience by contacting me .


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Praise the Lord,

all the messages you stated are basically scriptures. Much of the words from the spirit which you heard are words of knowledge plus word of wisdom. Although you did not state where you were (in a congregation or by yourself) when you received some of these, especially that one after the olive-oil: one is not clear whether it was directed to you personally, as the pronouns sounded, or to your congregation. It does not sound as if directed to the body of Christ in general.

Overall, all the words you listed are scriptural for anyone and everyone affected to take caution from, and consolation to those truely in Christ. God bless.

Bro. Julius Adewumi.

Gospel Distribution Ministry.

Dear Bro Julius,

.... I'll like to know more about fasting. .....


Sister Lola,

About fasting, I recommend that you order a book called "glorified fasting" from "Hall deliverance Ministry,P.O.Box 9910, Phoenix, AZ 85068 - 9910.

The minister discussed fasting at length in the book.

Bro. Julius.

NOTE: The questions and Answers from the following friend (Xou) may not follow one another. There are mails we cannot find anymore and the answers were not atttached to emailed questions, therefore we are simply gathering the Q's & the A's that we see for the readers' edification.


Dear Xou,

thanks for your email and I bless the Lord Jesus for giving you the desire to know him more. First of all, if you have never done so, on your knees prayerfully ask Jesus Christ to take charge of your life and that you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Also renounce any known habits which are sins and in your prayer ask the Lord Jesus to remove those habits from your heart. Henceforth, believe the word of God that He has forgiven you, and make an habit to read the bible daily (set a timetable of at least one hour morning or evening, to study at least one chapter consecutively. Begin perhaps from Romans chapter 1). Try to memorize a verse or two that sounds good to you in each chapter, and also try to apply what you learn from the chapter to your every-day life. Pray after each study that the Lord help you to do what you learn in the chapter. Don't jump into any major fasting yet until you learn more of the word of God. Fasting means abstain from food for a specified duration (except water). (Read Faith Testimonies part 1 - chp.4 on our homepage). If you send your mailing address, I'll send the booklet-copies of some of the literatures to you by snailmail. Repeated reading of the literatures is very useful, just like reading the bible over and over again to refresh ones memory and for further revelation. Look out for bible-believing, born-again gospel fellowship to attend (even Campus crusade fellowship may be in your college). You can get edification from fellowship of true believers because "Iron sharpeneth iron". The very important aspect of Christian walk is that one must be ready to standup for Christ, and not be ashamed to be a christian in holiness. It means be ready to be forsaken by your former sinner-friends as you repent from former sinful lifestyle: you are stepping into a new class of friends in true christian and a great company of Angels. (Lk.18:29-30). "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God". (Jn.3:3). i.e Until one is born again, one will think there are no holy people on earth. But when you are born again, the Lord will lead you to meet the true holy people, because you will recognize them, now that you are one of them. I pray that the Lord will guide you into his truth and fill you with the Holy Spirit, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Keep me posted with your questions and concerns as you step into studying the bible daily. It's a new life! All things become new! God bless you.

Bro. Julius Adewumi.

Dear Brother Julius,

Greetings in Christ. Thank you for answering me. I will do as you have suggested in order to grow spiritually. As I keep reading your sermons, questions come to my mind and I just wanted them answer. Brother Julius, the mentioning of an earthquake predicted for California was mentioned in your etc.etc. section in the "for repentance". I am concern because ... my father ... and my half-brothers are moving back to California soon, very soon. I love my father and I don't want him to go to California because of the earthquake. Should I tell him of the predicted earthquake that will be fall California? hmm... Answer Given: Praise God you are responding to the word of exhortation. You can warn your people who wanted to move to California, however since no one knows the day nor the hour, each person must need be led by the Lord to escape every evil which will come upon the world.

Dear Xou,

Concerning "Standing in the gap", don't believe it nor accept it the way you think - that the you are blocking the devil's way- because by such thinking you are giving the devil a liberty to attack you. When I say "standing in the gap", my own interpretation is that I am presenting someone else's request before the Lord, in case that someone's prayer needs help, if he or she is not getting through to God. Concerning "praising the Lord and praying in the night", When I sleep at about 11.00pm, and I wake up at 3.00Am, I must sleep again at 4.00Am till 6.30 or 7.00AM -- which gives me at least 5 hours of sleep. We need at least 4 or 5 hours of sleep each day. Concerning fasting, I said before, don't jump into it yet. Study the word consistently for a while. If you must take one fast, attempt one single day (missing breakfast, lunch and dinner) and eat the following morning and see how it feels. But during your fast, as much as you have time, be reading the bible. Concerning doctrines, (Trinity, baptism etc.) you can only point people to what was written in the literatures or straight from the bible. Let them read it for themselves and form their own opinions. Remember "No one can come to me except the Father draws him" was what the Lord Jesus told the Pharisees. It means, unless Jesus opens the eyes of individual to a doctrine, they will argue the point for ever. The water baptism will not hinder you from receiving the Holy Spirit. If the church understood and believe that "Lord Jesus Christ" is the "name" of the Father, the son, the Holy Ghost, when you were baptized it will be okay in my judgment. e.g each one of us is three-in-one (spirit, soul, and body). But if the church says there are three persons in the Godhead, like a family or like 3 friends on a project, they are in error (which is polytheism -- many gods). Concerning the Holy Spirit baptism, you cannot "rush" God. One thing I have learnt is when dealing with even highly placed men, I wished they hurry up and give me what I asked but they took their time. When I realized how great God is, then I just present my request and by faith begin to thank him for giving it to me, until I receive it. Don't rush him. God follows his own timetable. (Read the latest sermon). Therefore, you can pray today for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but don't worry if you don't feel anything. Begin to thank him for giving it to you henceforth, and you shall receive what you ask for.

Bro. Julius. .

Go to questions&Answers-2