Volume 2007/1

Rounded Rectangle: REVELATION 5:5

Rounded Rectangle: The Love Flock (part 1)



The Harvest Is Ripe!

 "He will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner”

                                             (Mat.3: 12)

We all know that the Lord is coming soon.  A prophecy that was given centuries ago declared that the Lord will not come until the church is ready.  When we say “the church is to be ready”, what is the Lord waiting for in his church?  What is the Lord waiting for?

   In Jn.1:12, “but as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”

So, in a nutshell, God is reproducing himself.  The bible said “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”.  When God created Adam, God made man in his own image.  

Think of it this way for you that have children:  your child is your biological image.   When you begin to raise this child to become a full person having your likeness, when he or she behaves the way you want him/her to behave, then you are making the child in your own image, with your temperament.  That is, the biological image is one half of it, parenting a child to have the parent’s likeness is the second half of the image.  

The physical structure of man is in the image of God alright.  But beyond that, God wants us to have his full image in his likes and dislikes.  God is reproducing himself.  Remember the Lord Jesus addressed the unbelieving Jews that “If you were Abraham’s children ye will do the works of Abraham”.  (Jn.8:39). They said “we be not born of fornication, we have one father even God”.  But the Lord Jesus told them “ye are of your father the Devil, and the works of your father ye will do”.

They were biological seed of Abraham, but Christ called them children of their father the Devil.  You should now understand that when God said he created man in His image, we have half of the image by being a human being.  The second half of the image is to be conformed to the image of the Son of God, that is, the behavioral aspect of a man.  This is what God has been working on in you and in me.   This is what apostle Paul was talking about in the book of Hebrews that the Lord Jesus Christ will bring many more sons to glory.  (Heb 2:10).  

So that it will not just be only one begotten son, Christ is to bring many more sons unto glory.  And those that will arrive at the stature of Christ first are called the first fruits unto God. And God has a number, He must get this number.  In Rev.14:1 it said 144000 are the first fruits.  That means they arrive at the stature of Christ first. 

  Now what do we mean by the stature of Christ?   What is this characteristic of God that will make us to be in the full image of God?  This is what my sermon is about today.   When you are born again, and you have accepted Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, you have been given power to become the son of God.  You have not become a son of God yet just because you have been born again.  But you have been given power to become one.   “As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God”.  (Jn.1:12).   Now that you have received this power, use this power so that you can become a son of God.   A son of God is to have all the attributes of God – that is the whole gospel—what God intends to get.   He is going to harvest this world.  He will get the first fruits, and then comes the general harvest.  That is our goal as believers in Christ, to become the sons of God.  In Ephesians 4:11, apostle Paul said this is the reason why God has put ministries in the church:   And he gave some apostles …..for the perfecting of the saints …. Till we all come … unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”  In other words, God put the ministry gifts in the church to build the body of believers, to build you and I spiritually so that we grow to have the knowledge of the son of God;  that is, what is a son of God ought to be?  Jesus Christ demonstrated what a son of God ought to be in power, in character, in word and in deed.

   When we say “son of God”, the bible said “God is Love”.   (1Jn.4:16).

   Every time we mention the stature of Christ, everyone always think of the supernatural power which the Lord Jesus manifested.  “Oh, whao! Jesus Christ walked upon water!  Oh, whao, Jesus Christ turned water to wine!  I want that power also! Oh, whao, Jesus Christ made the blind to see! I want that power also.  Oh, whao, Jesus Christ raised the dead!  I want that …!   Everybody wants the power, but nobody knows how to get the power.  But this is how to get the power, it is to become a son of God!   How do you become a son of God?  After you are born again, after you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your Lord and savior, you have received the power.  Now you are to use the power to grow until you become a son of God.

  If you that read this have not been born again, you must accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and receive the Holy Spirit which is the power to help you grow until you become a son of God. 

  In 1 Jn.4:16:  We have known and believed the love that God has to us; God is love, and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God and God in him”.

This is the image God is talking about, the image of a love-child:  “son of God”, “son of Love”.   Someone that is so much loving!   The bible said “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life”.  (Jn. 3:16). 

Someone may say, “how can you say God is love, yet God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, yet God destroyed those people in the wilderness?”   God also is just, you are to remember that!  God also is merciful, you are to remember that!           

    We are going to look at the characteristics of this word “love”, as God sees it, and not as human beings see it.  Because, Many times, in God’s love and mercy he will allow some things to happen which to us is evil, yet it will still be in his loving-kindness extended to mankind.  The bottom-line of God’s out-stretched arm, or chastisement is because of his love to mankind.  This is what we are going to analyze.  He wants you and me to become sons of love.  Do you want to become a son of God?  Do you want to become a son of Love?  You may say “what does it mean to be a son of love?   We will go and look at the characters of Love.  God is revealing that this is what he meant when He said we are to come to the fullness of the stature of Christ.

   As I said above, everybody wants the supernatural power that Jesus manifested, to raise the dead, to make the blind to see, to make the lame to walk.  But analyze further, what is the motive behind the raising the dead, opening the blind eyes?  The driving force is Love for mankind when the Lord Jesus performed these miracles.  He had compassion for the sick and afflicted, and he healed them.   Now, what is your own motive for wanting to have this supernatural power?  Check yourself my brother, my sister that is hearing this!   What is your hidden motive for wanting to have this supernatural power? Could it be somewhat related to the motive of Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8:18?  Most likely it’s not love for the sick, but perhaps Pride; to show that you have this power, for filthy gain, or to have your name known that you are the supernatural miracle worker; God looks at motives, rather than actions.   But what God is calling you and me unto is to come and become a son of God.   That is the only way you can get the power from God.   You may say, “I see some people that still demonstrate some power and they are not in this ‘love’ you are describing?”   God will allow some things to happen to invite people to himself.  However, Christ wants to give his fullness to us.  He wants to do the greater works through us, but he wants us to become like him in all the attributes of God.  And what are these attributes of God?  God is love!   Let’s see what love really is.

    This is part one of this sermon series. I will bring the sermons from different angles to show how God demonstrated his love for mankind in the old and the new testament.  In every action, even in judgment, it’s still the love of God, loving-kindness he calls it, to make you repent, so that you do not go into doom or destruction in the end. 


Apostle Paul wrote it by the Holy Ghost in 1 Cor. 13, and said: “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.

  Here, Apostle Paul says, concerning supernatural power that we all want, though we have it, without love we are tinkling cymbals.  Why do you want the supernatural power?  You want to be able to raise the dead?  Why?  You want to be able to make the lame to walk!  Why?  You want to be able to make the blind to see!  Why?  Ask yourself that question.  Why?  You are a Christian, a believer, born-again, I am talking to you.  Sincerely ask yourself this question.  What is your motive for wanting that supernatural power?  If your motive can be traced back to “self”, “self”, “self”, you want some glory out of it, then you know this is not “love”.  But God is Love.  No wonder the whole Christian-church has not demonstrated the power of God any much!  Not even one-quarter of the power Jesus demonstrated since he left.   I want you to know that God wants us to have this power and demonstrate his power and manifest his glory.  But he wants us to become like him first, to be his sons manifested.  This is the generation when he wants the sons manifested.  He must get the first fruits that will arrive.  We have the holiness, we have all the faith, but we are still lacking in the arena of “love”, loving one another, and loving God fervently as apostle Peter wrote.  (1Pet.1:22).  Why do we not love one another fervently?  The reasons can be traced back to one or the other of these anti-characters of love that we are reading in the first Corinthians thirteen.  You want to be able to speak in tongues and prophesy perhaps for your own gain.  These gifts can begin to boost your ego, your pride; but Love is not proud.  God is making us to see that this is the stature of the son of God that he is looking for.   And the church must arrive at that stature before Christ can come.  He must harvest the world. 

Think of a farmer who has been watering his field for crops, now the fruits are green but not ripen.  You will not harvest them yet until they are ripen.  The church is at this stage.  A lot of fruits all green, not ripen.  God will have to send sunshine and rain to ripen the fruits.  A lot of heat from the sun will make the fruits ripen. 

    In all Christ’s sermons, in all his miracles, in all his parables, and in all his patience at the cross, He demonstrated the Love of the Father to mankind and showed his love for the father.  In John 14:31 the Lord Jesus said “But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do.”   Christ laid down his life for the world in love of the Father.  This is the stature of the Son of God which he calls us to get to:  Motivated by “love” in all we do.  When the body of Christ manifests this kind of Love, then the fruits are ripen for harvest.

    “And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mystery, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing.”  

You should wonder why Apostle Paul put this chapter here.  If you read the earlier chapter 12, and what apostle Paul had been dealing with the Corinthians about, they were full of competition: One says I have the gift of prophecy, another may say I am an apostle-prophet; another may say I am a bigger prophet-pastor!  Everybody wanted to be the biggest:  My ministry is greater than your ministry!  Oh, no, I am an apostle, No, you are a prophet; No I am a prophet-apostle!   They were competing with one another.  Apostle Paul could read between the lines and saw that the gifts was beginning to blind-sight the brethren.  They are forgetting something: Love is missing among the brethren.  Therefore in the last verse of chapter 12, he wrote “But covet earnestly the best gifts, and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.”  The competition among brethren about supernatural gifts and talents can easily alienate brethren.  Apostle Paul said “let me show you a more excellent way” – which is “love”.

Even if you have faith to move mountains, if you don’t have love, you are nothing.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor”; this is what many people think is love!  Giving money to charity!  He said, you can even do those for show without the real love.  “And though I give my body to be burned, and have not love”:  Perhaps one may say “I can lay down my life for this fellow”.  But do you really love this fellow?   Or you just want people to see that you can do this.  He is saying love is deeper than laying down your life for the other person.  Like Apostle Paul wrote, hardly can we find one who will lay down his life for the other person how much more if that other person is an enemy.  Some people may even dare to die for a righteous man.  But God commended the love of Christ towards us in that “while we were yet sinners Christ died for us”.  And it was not a show-off!   It is a love coming from the heart of Christ for the Father.  It is his nature.  We have to become that kind of nature, not a make-believe kind of love, not for show.   While we were yet sinners:  those men that were nailing Jesus Christ to the cross, he was dying for them.  He was also feeling the pain they were afflicting upon him.   How many of us: if someone slaps your face, your eyes turn red; can we die for the one that just slaps our face?   It’s a nature that Christ has.  God is trying to change our nature so that we may have the nature of love, the nature of Christ.  This is what God is looking for!  Can you and I be like that?    I pray that you that read this will want to be like Christ so that you can submit to this nature of the Son of God so that the Holy Ghost can work it out in you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen!


(…to be continued..)


Bro. Julius Adewumi





Q & A


B Wrote:
  Bro Julius,
  God bless u, how is ministry? pls I need answers to the following questions
  1.Will the translation of the Saints be bodily and not Spiritual change?
  2.What does being caught up to meet the Lord in the cloud and  Air mean?
Dear B,
Answers to your questions:
1.Will the translation of the Saints be bodily and not Spiritual change?
  Answer is in 1Cor.15:51:  "Behold I shew you a mystery: we shall not all sleep (i.e. dead), but we shall all be changed".
It means we shall not all die bodily, therefore we shall have to be   changed bodily.
2.What does being caught up to meet the Lord in the cloud and  Air mean?
  Answer is in Acts.1:9:  "And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight."
  Again "this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven".
Therefore, if you understand Jesus went up into the sky bodily (a body that gravity had no effect upon, both on water and in the air), we shall be like him as the Lord shall lift us up to meet him in the sky (cloud, air).  Note, the physical body of the Lord is not floating around in the sky, neither shall we.  He went into another world (spiritual world or heaven),   with  his body that is now "glorified", and so shall we also be glorified.  Amen.
"And every man that has this hope in him, purifieth himself, even as he is pure."  (1Jn.3:3)
God bless you.
Bro. Julius



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I want to thank those that have been sending offering to this ministry.  Your investment and mine send the literature to believers and send the word on radio.  That is one sure way we can send our money ahead of us to heaven.  The Lord said: "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:  But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Mat. 6: 19-21).  "For we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out."  (1Tim. 6: 7).