(Excerpts from the vision given to Rick Joyner ).
Note: Gospel distribution ministry, is committed to bring any exhortation that we know will bless the believer to our readers because it blesses us. Therefore I bring this excerpt from a vision given to Rick Joyner when he was allowed to foretaste “the judgment seat of Christ”.
( ..conclusion …)
I kept moving
until I saw a man who I considered one of the greatest writers of all time. I
had considered his depth of insight into the truth to be possibly the greatest
that I had encountered in all of my studies.
"Sir, I
have always looked forward to this meeting," I almost blurted out.
"As have
I," he replied with genuine sincerity.
"I feel
that I know you, and in your writings I almost felt like you somehow knew me. I
think that I owe more to you than to anyone else who was not canonized in
Scripture," I continued.
"You are
very gracious," he replied. "But I am sorry that I did not serve you better. I was a shallow
person, and my writings were shallow, and filled with more worldly wisdom than
divine truth."
"Since I have been here, and
learned all that I have learned, I know that this must be true, but I still
think they are some of the best that we have on earth," I
"You are
right," this famous writer admitted, with sincerity. "It is so sad. Everyone here, even
those who sit closest to the King, would live their lives differently if they
had them to live over, but I think that I would live mine even more differently
than most. I was honored by kings, but failed the King of kings. I used the
great gifts and insights that were given me to draw men more to myself and my
wisdom than to Him. Besides, I only knew Him by the hearing of the hear, which
is the way I compelled other men to know Him. I made them dependent on me, and
others like me. I turned them more to deductive reasoning than to the Holy
Spirit, Who I hardly knew. I did not point men to Jesus, but to myself and
others like me who pretended to know Him.
When I beheld
Him here, I wanted to ground my writings into powder, just as Moses did to the
golden calf. My mind was my idol, and I wanted everyone to worship my mind with
me. Your esteem for me does not cause me to rejoice. If I had spent as much
time seeking to know Him as I did seeking to know about Him in order to impress
others with my knowledge, many of those who are in this lowest of companies
would be sitting in the throne that was prepared for them, and many others
would be in this room."
"I know
by being here that your appraisal of your work is true, but are you not being a
little too hard on yourself?" I questioned.
"Your works fed me spiritually for many
years, as I know they have multitudes of others."
"I am not being too hard on myself. All that I have said is true
as it was confirmed when I stood before the throne. I produced a lot, but I was
given more talents than almost anyone here, and I buried them beneath my own
spiritual pride and ambitions. Just as Adam could have carried the whole human
race into a most glorious future, but by his failure led billions of souls into
the worst of tragedies, with authority comes responsibility. The more authority
you are given, the more potential for both good and evil you will have. Those
who will rule with Him for the ages will know responsibility of the most
profound kind. No man stands alone, and every human failure, or victory,
resonates far beyond our comprehension, even to generations to come. The many
thousands who I could have led properly would have resulted in many more
millions here. Anyone who understands the true nature of authority would never
seek it, but only accept it when they know they are yoked with the Lord, the
only One who can carry authority without stumbling. Never seek influence for
yourself, but only seek the Lord and be willing to take His yoke. My influence
did not feed your heart, but rather your pride in knowledge."
"How can I
know that I am not doing the same?" I asked as I began to think of my
own writings.
"Study to show yourself approved unto God, not men," he
replied as he walked back into the ranks. Before he disappeared he turned and
with the slightest smile, offered one last bit of advice: "And do not follow me."
In this first multitude I saw many other men and women
of God from both my own time and history. I stopped and talked to many more. I
was continually shocked that so many who I expected to be in the highest
positions were in the lowest rank of the kingdom. Many shared the same basic
story-they all had fallen to the deadly sin of pride after their great
victories, or fallen to jealousy when other men were anointed as much as they
were. Others had fallen to lust, discouragement, or bitterness near the end of
their lives and had to be taken before they crossed the line into perdition.
They all gave me the same warning: the
higher the spiritual authority that you walk in, the further you can fall if
you depart from love and humility.
As I continued toward the judgment seat I began to
pass those who were of higher rank in the kingdom. After many more veils had
been stripped away from me by meetings with those who had stumbled over the
same problems that I had, I began to meet those who had overcome. I met couples
who had served the Lord and each other faithfully to the end. Their glory here
was unspeakable, and their victory encouraged me that it was possible to stay
on the path of life, and serve Him in faithfulness.
Those who stumbled, stumbled in many different ways. Those who prevailed all
did it the same way-they did not deviate
from their devotion to the first and greatest commandment-loving the Lord.
By this their service was done unto Him, not men, not even for spiritual men.
These were the ones who worshipped the Lamb, and followed Him wherever He went.
When I was still not even half way to the throne, what
had been the indescribable glory of the first rank now seemed to be the outer
darkness in comparison to the glory of those I was now passing. The greatest
beauty on earth would not qualify to be found anywhere in heaven. And I was
told that this room was just the threshold of realms indescribable!
My march to the throne may have taken days, months or
even years. There was no way to measure time in that place. To my considerable
discomfort, they all showed great respect to me, not because of who I was or
anything that I had done, but simply because I was a warrior in the battle of
the last days. Somehow, through this last battle, the glory of God would be
revealed in such a way that it would be a witness to every power and authority,
created or yet to be created, for all of eternity. During this battle the glory
of the cross would be revealed, and the wisdom of God would be known in a
special way. To be in that battle was to be given one of the greatest honors
given to those of the race of men.
As I approached the Judgment Seat of Christ, those in
the highest ranks were also sitting on thrones that were all a part of His
throne. Even the least of these thrones was more glorious than any earthly
throne many times over. Some of these were rulers over cities on earth who
would soon take their place. Others were rulers over the affairs of heaven, and
others over the affairs of the physical creation, such as star systems and
galaxies. However, it was apparent that those who were given authority over
cities were esteemed above those who had even been given authority over
galaxies. The value of a single child was more than a galaxy of stars, because
the Holy Spirit dwelt in men, and the Lord had chosen men as His eternal
dwelling place. In the presence of His glory the whole earth seemed as
insignificant as a speck of dust, and yet was so infinitely esteemed that the
attention of the whole host of heaven was upon it.
Now that I stood before the throne, I felt very much
less than a speck of dust. Even so, I felt the Holy Spirit upon me in a greater
way than I ever had. It was by His power
alone that I was able to stand. It was here that I truly came to understand His
ministry as our Comforter. He had led me through the entire journey even though
I had hardly noticed Him.
The Lord was both more gentle and more terrible than I
had ever imagined. In Him I saw Wisdom who had accompanied me up the mountain,
and felt the familiarity of many of my friends on earth. I recognized Him as
the One I had heard speaking to me many times through others. I also recognized
Him as the One that I had often rejected when He had come to me in others. I
saw both a Lion and a Lamb, the Shepperd and the Bridegroom, but most of all I
saw Him here as the Judge.
Even in His awesome presence, the Comforter was so
mightily with me I was comfortable. It was also apparent that the Lord in no
way wanted me to be uncomfortable; He only wanted me to know the truth. Human
words are not adequate to describe either how awesome, or how relieving it was
to stand before the Lord. I had passed the point where I was concerned if the
judgment was going to be good or bad; I just knew it would be right, and that I
could trust my Judge.
At one point the Lord looked toward the galleries of
thrones around Him. Many were occupied by saints, and many were empty. He then
said, "These thrones are for
the overcomers who have served Me faithfully in every generation. My Father and
I prepared them before the foundation of the world. Are you worthy to sit in
one of these?"
I remembered what a friend had once said, "When
an omniscient God asks you a question, it is not because He is seeking
information." I looked at the thrones. I looked at those who were now
seated. I could recognize some of the great heroes of the faith, but most of
those seated I knew had not even been well known on earth. Many I knew had been
missionaries who had expended their lives in obscurity. They had never cared to
be remembered on earth, but only to Him. I was a bit surprised to see some who
had been wealthy, or rulers who had been faithful with what they had been
given. However, it seemed that faithful, praying women and mothers occupied
more thrones than any other single group.
There was no way that I could answer "yes"
to the Lord's question if I considered myself worthy to sit here. I was not
worthy to sit in the company of any who were there. I knew I had been given the
opportunity to run for the greatest prize in heaven or earth, and I had failed.
I was desperate, but there was still one hope. Even though most of my life had
been a failure, I knew that I was here before I had finished my life on earth.
When I confessed that I was not worthy, He asked:
do you want this seat?"
"I do with all of my heart," I responded.
The Lord then looked at the galleries and said, "Those empty seats could have been
filled in any generation. I gave the invitation to sit here to everyone who has
called upon My name. They are still available. Now the last battle has come,
and many who are last shall be first. These seats will be filled before the battle
is over. Those who will sit here you will know by two things: they will wear
the mantle of humility, and they will have My likeness. You now have the
mantle. If you can keep it and do not lose it in the battle, when you return
you will also have My likeness. Then you will be worthy to sit with these,
because I will have made you worthy. All authority and power has been given to
Me, and I alone can wield it. You will prevail, and you will be trusted with My
authority only when you have come to fully abide in Me. Now turn and look at My
I turned and looked back in the direction I had come
from. From before His throne I could see the entire room. The spectacle was
beyond any earthly comparison for its glory. Millions filled the ranks. Each
individual in the lowest rank was more awesome than an army, and I knew had
more power. It was far beyond my capacity to absorb such a panorama of glory.
Even so, I could see the only a very small portion of the great room was
I then looked back at the Lord and was astonished to
see tears in His eyes. He had wiped the tears away from every eye here, but His
own. As a tear ran down His cheek he caught it in His hand. He then offered it
to me.
"This is
My cup. Will you drink it with Me?"
There was no way that I could refuse Him. As the Lord
continued to look at Me I began to feel His great love. Even as foul as I was
He still loved me. As undeserving as I was He wanted me to be close to Him.
Then He said:
"I love
all of these with a love that you cannot now understand. I also love all who
are supposed to be here but did not come. I have left the ninety nine to go
after the one who was lost. My shepherds would not leave the one to go after
the ninety nine who are still lost. I came to save the lost. Will you share My
heart to go to save the lost? Will you help to fill this room? Will you help to
fill these thrones, and every other seat in this hall? Will you take up this
quest to bring joy to heaven, to Me and to My Father? This judgment is for My
own household, and My own house is not full. The last battle will not be over
until My house is full. Only then will it be time for us to redeem the earth,
and remove the evil from My creation. If you drink My cup you will love the
lost the way that I loved them."
He then took a cup so plain that I was surprised that
it even existed in a room of such glory, and He placed His tear in it. He then
gave it to me. I have never tasted anything so bitter. I knew that I could in
no way drink it all, or even much of it, but I was determined to drink as much
as I could. The Lord patiently waited until I finally erupted into such crying
that I felt like veritable rivers of tears were flowing from me. I was crying
for the lost, but even more I was crying for the Lord.
I looked to Him in desperation as I could not take any
more of this great pain. Then His peace began to fill me and mix with His love
that I was feeling. Never had I felt anything so wonderful. This was the living
water that I knew could spring up for eternity. Then I felt as if the waters
flowing within me caught on fire. I began to feel that this fire would consume
me if I could not begin declaring the majesty of His glory. I had never felt
such an urge to preach, to worship Him, and to breathe every breath that I was
given for the sake of His gospel.
"Lord!" I shouted out, forgetting everyone
but Him. "I now know that this throne of judgment is also the throne of
grace, and I ask You now for the grace to serve You. Above all things I ask You
for grace! I ask You for the grace to finish my course. I ask You for the grace
to love You like this so that I can be delivered from the delusions and
self-centeredness that so pervert my life. I call upon You for salvation from
myself and the evil of my own heart, and for this love that I now feel to flow
continually in my heart. I ask You to give me Your heart, Your love. I ask You
for the grace of the Holy Spirit to convict me of my sin. I ask You for the
grace of the Holy Spirit to testify of You, as You really are. I ask for the
grace to testify of all that You have prepared for those who come to You. I ask
for the grace to be upon me to preach the reality of this judgment. I ask for
the grace to share with those who are called to occupy these empty thrones, to
give them words of life that will keep them on the path of life, that will
impart to them the faith to do what they have been called to do. Lord, I beg
You for this grace."
The Lord then stood up. Then all of those who were
seated upon the thrones for as far as I could see also stood up. His eyes
burned with a fire I had not seen before.
"You have called upon Me for grace. This request
I never deny. You shall return, and the Holy Spirit shall be with you. Here you
have tasted of both My kindness and My severity. You must remember both if you
are to stay on the path of life. The true love of God includes the judgment of
God. You must know both my kindness and severity or you will fall to deception.
This is the grace that you have been given here, to know both. The
conversations you had with your brethren here were My grace.
Remember them."
He then pointed His sword toward my heart, then my
mouth, then my hands.
When He did this fire came from His sword and burned
me with a great pain. "This too is grace," He said. "You are but
one of
many who have been prepared for this hour. Preach and write about all that you
have seen here. What I have said to you say to My brethren. Go and call My
captains to the last battle. Go and defend the poor and the oppressed, the widows
and the
orphans. This is the commission of My captains, and it is where you will find
them. My children are worth more to Me than the stars in the heavens.
Feed My lambs.
Watch over My little ones. Give the word of God to them that they may live. Go
to the
battle. Go and do not retreat. Go quickly for I will come quickly. Obey Me and
hasten the day of My coming."
A company of angels then came and escorted me away
from the throne. The leader walked beside me and began to speak.
that He has stood He will not sit again until the last battle is over. He has
been seated until the time when His enemies are to be put under His feet. The
time has now come. The legions of angels that have been standing ready since
the night of passion have now been released upon the earth. The hordes of hell
have also been released. This is the time that all of creation has been waiting
for. The great mystery of God will soon be finished. We will now fight until
the end. We will fight with you and your brethren."
I awoke.
(Read 1Cor.9:24-27; Phil.3:14)
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