(Excerpts from the vision given to Rick Joyner ).
Note: Because we are gospel distribution ministry, any exhortation that we know will bless the believer we will bring to our readers because it blesses us. Therefore I bring this excerpt from a vision given to Rick Joyner when he was allowed to foretaste “the judgment seat of Christ”.
(visit to the Judgment Seat of Christ - …continued….)
At the same time I realized that this woman, who
had brought me into this confrontation with such pain at my depravity, was also
the most attractive person I could ever remember meeting. It was not romantic
attraction, but I just did not want to leave her.
Perceiving my thoughts, she withdrew a step, indicating that she was about to
go, but offered me one last insight.
"The pure truth, spoken in pure love, will always attract. You will remember the pain you feel here, and it will help you through the rest of your life. Pain is good; it shows you where there is a problem. Do not try to reduce the pain until you find and address the problem. God's truth often brings pain as it highlights a problem that we have, but His truth will always show us the way to freedom, and true life. When you know this you will even begin to rejoice in your trials, which are all allowed to help keep you on the path of life."
"Also, your attraction to me is not out of
order. It is the attraction between male and female that was given in the
beginning, which is always pure in its true form. When pure truth is combined
with pure love, men can be the men they were created to be without having to
dominate out of insecurity. Women can be the women they were created to be
because their love has replaced their fear. Love will never manipulate or try
to control out of insecurity, because love casts out all fear. The very place
where relationships can be the most corrupted is also where they can be the
most fulfilling. As your mind is renewed by the Spirit of Truth, you will not
see relationships as an opportunity to get from others, but to give. Giving is
the greatest fulfillment that we can ever know. It is a taste of heaven where
we give to the Lord in pure worship, which has an ecstasy that even the most
wonderful relationships on earth are but a fleeting glimpse of. What we
experience in worship here your frail little unglorified body could not endure.
The true worship of God will purify the soul for the glories of true
relationships. Therefore, you must not seek relationships, but pure worship.
Only then can relationships start to be what they are supposed to be. True
love never seeks the upper hand, but the lowest place of service. If my husband
and I had kept this in our marriage, we would be sitting next to the King now,
and this great hall would be filled with many more souls."
With that she disappeared back into the ranks of the glorified saints. I looked again towards the throne and the glory that appeared so much more beautiful that I was taken aback.
Another man standing close to me explained:
"With each encounter, a veil is being removed so that you can see Him more clearly. You are not changed just by seeing His glory, but by seeing it with an unveiled face. Everyone who comes to the true judgments of God walks a corridor such as this to meet those who can help them remove whatever veils they are still wearing; veils that will distort their vision of Him."
I had already absorbed more understanding than I felt like my many years of study on earth had given me. I then began to feel that all of my study and seeking on earth had only lead me forward at a snail's pace. How could many lifetimes prepare me for the judgment? My life had already disqualified me more than all of those whom I had met, and they barely made it here!
Then another man emerged from the ranks. He had been a contemporary of mine, and I did not know that he had died. I had never met him on earth, but he had a great ministry which I respected very much. Through men that he had trained, thousands had been led to salvation, and many great churches had been raised up. He asked if he could just embrace me for a minute, and I agreed, feeling a bit awkward. When we embraced I felt such love coming from him that a great pain that was deep within me stopped hurting. I had become so used to the pain that I did not even notice it until it stopped. After he released me I told him that his embrace had healed me of something. His joy at this was profound. Then he began to tell me why he was in the lowest rank in heaven.
"I became so arrogant near the end of my life that I could not imagine that the Lord would do anything of significance unless He did it through me. I began to touch the Lord's anointed, and do His prophets harm. I was selfishly proud when the Lord used one of my own disciples, and I became jealous when the Lord moved through anyone who was outside of my own ministry. I would search for anything that was wrong with them which I could attack. I did not know that every time I did this I only demoted myself further."
"I never knew that you had done anything like that," I said, surprised.
"I incited men under me to investigate others and do my dirty work. I had them scout the earth to find any error or sin in the life of others to expose them. I became the worst thing that a man can become on the earth-a stumbling block who produced other stumbling blocks. We sowed fear and division throughout the church, all in the name of protecting the truth. In my self-righteousness I was headed for perdition. In His great mercy the Lord allowed me to be struck by a disease that would bring about a slow and humiliating death. Just before I died I came to me senses and repented. I am just thankful to be here at all. I may be one of the least of His here, but it is much more than I deserve. I just could not leave this room until I had a chance to apologize to those of you that I so wronged."
"But you never wronged me," I said.
"Oh, but I did indeed," he replied. "Many of the attacks that came against you were from those whom I had agitated and encouraged in their assaults on others. Even though I may not have personally carried the attacks out, the Lord holds me as responsible as those who did."
"I see. Certainly I forgive you."
I was already beginning to remember how I had done this same thing, even if on a smaller scale. I recalled how I had allowed disgruntled former members of a church to spread their poison about that church without stopping them. I knew that by just allowing them to do this without correcting them I had encouraged them to continue. I remember thinking that this was justified because of the errors of that church. I then began to remember how I had even repeated many of their stories, justifying it by saying it was only to enlist prayers for them. Soon a great flood of other such incidents began to arise in my heart. Again, I was starting to be overwhelmed by the evil and darkness of my own soul.
"I, too, have been a stumbling block!" I wailed, dropping again to my knees. I knew that I deserved death, that I deserved the worst kind of hell. I had never seen such ruthlessness and cruelty as I was now seeing in my own heart.
"And we always comforted ourselves by actually thinking that we were doing God a favor when we attacked His own children," came the understanding voice of this man. "It is good for you to see this here, because you can go back. Please warn my disciples of their impending doom if they do not repent. Many of them are called to be kings here, but if they do not repent they will face the worst judgment of all-that of the stumbling blocks. My humbling disease was grace from God. When I stood before the throne I asked the Lord to send such grace to my disciples. I cannot cross back over to them, but He has allowed me this time with you. Please forgive and release those who have attacked you. They really do not understand that they are doing the work of the Accuser. Thank you for forgiving me, but please also forgive them. It is in your power to retain sins or cover them with love. I entreat you to love those who are now your enemies."
I could hardly hear this man I was so overwhelmed with my own sin. This man was so glorious, pure and obviously now had powers that were not known on the earth. Yet, he was entreating me with a greater humility than I had witnessed before. I felt such love coming from him that I could not imagine refusing him, but even without the impact of his love, I felt far more guilty than anyone could possibly be who was attacking me.
"Certainly I must deserve anything they have done to me, and much more," I replied.
"That is true, but it is not the point here," he entreated. "Everyone on earth is deserving of the second death, but our Savior brought us grace and truth. If we are to do His work we must do everything in both grace and truth. Truth without grace is what the enemy brings when he comes as an 'angel of light.'"
"If I can be delivered from this maybe I will be able to help them," I replied. "But can't you recognize that I am far worse than they could possibly be?"
"I know that what just passed through your mind was bad," he answered, but with a love and grace that was profound. I knew that he had now become as concerned for me and my condition as he had been for his own disciples.
"This really is heaven," I blurted out. "This really is light and truth. How could we who live in such darkness become so proud, thinking that we know so much about God? Lord!" I yelled in the direction of the throne, "Please let me go and carry this light back to earth!"
Immediately the entire host of heaven seemed to stand at attention, and I knew that I was the center of their attention. I felt so insignificant before just one of these glorious ones, but when I knew they were all looking at me, fear came like a tidal wave. I felt that there could be no doom like I was about to experience. I felt like the greatest enemy of the glory and truth that so filled that place. I was too corrupted, I could never properly represent such glory and truth. There was no way that I could in my corruption convey the reality of the glorious place and Presence. I was sure that even Satan had not fallen as far as I had from grace. This is hell I thought. There can be no worse pain than to be as evil as I am and to know that this kind of glory exists. To be banned from here is a torture worse than I ever dreamed. No wonder the demons are so angry and demented, I thought.
Just when I felt that I was about to be sent to
the deepest regions of hell, I simply cried "JESUS!" Quickly a peace
came over me. I knew I had to move on toward the glory again, and somehow I had
the confidence to do it.
(…to be continued…)
& A s
From: "Albert"
Subject: The Order of Melchisedec
> what an awesome article. I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Aaronic and Melchisedec Preisthood has been restored in these latter days through Joseph Smith. I often wondered how they got a name like Melchidedec and your article helps to reconfirm my faith in knowing that the gospel has been restored in the latter days.
> God Bless.
thank you for your email about Melchisedec order.
However, I do not believe Joseph Smith reinstated this order as your denomination claimed. Maybe Joseph Smith understood the message and he or someone else twisted it. For anyone to indicate that the organization they set up is the "order" shows lack of full understanding of the plan of God, just like the Jehovah's Witness claim that their "kingdom"
is that kingdom of God , which made them call their gathering "kingdom halls".
The Melchisedec order, as the Lord made me to understand it, is spiritual.
Bro. Julius.
B Wrote:
Bro Julius,
God bless u, how is ministry? U have not sent me magazine for a long time what is the problem? pls I need answers to the following questions
1.Will the translation of the Saints be bodily and not Spiritual change?
2.What does being caught up to meet the Lord in the cloud and Air mean?
Dear B,
perhaps your address is not in my mailing list.
I can send via email also if you can read MSWord format.
Answers to your questions:
1.Will the translation of the Saints be bodily and not Spiritual change?
Answer is in 1Cor.15:51: "Behold I shew you a mystery: we shall not all sleep (i.e. dead), but we shall all be changed".
It means we shall not all die bodily, therefore we shall have to be changed bodily.
2.What does being caught up to meet the Lord in the cloud and Air mean?
Answer is in Acts.1:9: "And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight."
Again "this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven,shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven".
Therefore, if you understand Jesus went up into the sky bodily (a body that gravity had no effect upon), we shall be like him, for the Lord shall lift us up to meet him in the sky (cloud, air). Note, the physical body of the Lord is not floating around in the sky, neither shall we. He went into another world (spiritual world or heaven) -- with his body that is now "glorified", and so shall we also be glorified. Amen.
"And every man that has this hope in him, purifieth himself, even as he is pure." (1Jn.3:3)
God bless you.
Bro. Julius
Bro. Julius Adewumi
Gospel Distribution Ministry
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Email: webmaster@gospeldistribution.org
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That is one sure way we can send our money ahead of us to heaven. The Lord said: "Lay not up for
yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where
thieves break through and steal: But lay
up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth
corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your
treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Mat. 6: 19-21). "For we brought nothing into this world
and it is certain we can carry nothing out." (1Tim. 6: 7).