(From radio broadcast of Bro. Julius Adewumi)
(…Continued from part 1…)
Rev.13:13: “And he doeth
great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the
sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those
miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them
that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had
the wound by a sword, and did live.”
Now the
wound was by the sword and it was at the second world war that the European
countries were divided into two: east and west Europe, east and west Germany.
But they were healed at the end of the world. Now it said this second beast is
making the world to worship the beast that was healed. And how is this taking place? For instance,
the American continent is the champion for democracy. Let’s begin reading verse 14: “And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by means of
those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast.” The miracles are technological
miracles. Look at the internet right
now, the miracle of the radio waves, the miracle of the fire coming down from
heaven: nuclear weapons started from this North America. Those are the things
that deceiveth the world. And when Apostle John was writing this, he couldn’t
picture it like we can see it today. He
called it “deceiving the world”. They are deceiving the world by making the
governments of the world bow down to democracy, and thinking democracy is the
way to go. Look at all the third world
countries. They say democracy is the way to go because it looks like it works
in Europe and it works in America. So
they’re making those countries make an image unto the beast. Wanting to be like them: that is what image
means. When he asked them to make an
image unto the beast it’s more or less saying make your government look like
this government, and everybody is making their government look like the
parliamentary government of England or democratic government of America. They are making images to the beast. I’m not saying democracy is bad or wrong but
just what has been prophesied. You may say well that seems to be the only thing
that works, yes, but that is what had been prophesied.
The kingdom of God is going to come which does not
follow this pattern of governmental systems, whether democracy, dictatorship or
communism. All of those European ideas that every country is made to follow
will fail. When God takes over, it’s
God ruling upon the earth.
particular Ch.13 is telling us what governments will be doing at the end of the
world. European countries are represented in the first beast. The American countries are represented in the second
beast with two horns: USA and
Canada. And they are spearheading all
of the technological advancements that look like magic to people like Apostle
John of 100 AD.
To Apostle John and his generation, all
these technologies are miracles. Look
at the Internet, telephone, and cell phone right now. You can call from
anywhere. Look at the satellite; the space travels. They are all like miracles. And the advancement was mostly from
the North American continent and European countries. Now let’s see what more things the bible says they’ll be
Verse 15 says: “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast,
that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would
not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
we know that this was written to look like a single person whose image would be
talking. But that is actually the development of television. Because just think of apostle John looking
at the television screen 2000 years ago.
He wouldn’t know what to call it. It would look like the image of
somebody but how can they make him to talk—it’s talking, we’re hearing him. So
that’s exactly what we’re describing here.
So it was this beast, this country, this government of northern America
that will develop this system of image talking which is the television
system. It started right in Northern
America. It said he will make that
image to talk, and is making people to worship the image. Their technology, economy and their
governmental policies seem to work, and the rest of the world wants to follow –
they worship.
Many times we look at these bible verses
and think of it as if it is a religious worship where people are bowing down to
a statue. It does not have to be a
religious worship. God, in the book of Revelation, is actually giving us a
prophecy and is telling us that all these things will be like this at the end
of the world. God works in simplicity.
When the Lord Jesus Christ came to the world, the Jews and the Rabbi’s
were expecting the Messiah to come from somewhere in Bethlehem. And they were
refusing to accept this man from Galilee because they could not understand the
scriptures. The scriptures did not say he had to be raised in Bethlehem—it says
he had to come out of Bethlehem. He was born in Bethlehem but that was when he
was a baby. He lived and was raised in
Nazareth, in Galilee. They couldn’t see it. If somebody told them that this man
was born in Bethlehem, they still would not accept it as enough fulfillment of
the prophecy. They have their pre-conceived imaginations; perhaps they expected
him to be born and raised and have his ministry in Bethlehem. They are not thinking
the way God is thinking.
we read prophecy and put our own interpretation on it how we expect it to
happen and if it does not happen that way we missed it. Many people think that
this worship of the beast will be in a form of an idol and everybody will be
bowing down to that image, whereas the whole world is already worshipping right
now in the democracy, which all governments are trying to copy, to look like
the democratic government of the European countries or American countries.
it says the image will talk, television is already talking—people are tuning in
and that is going to continue until the end of the world. This is what has been
prophesied. These simple things that have been taking place in our generation,
is what is prophesied in the book of Rev. 13. And more will still come because
he went further and said anyone that will not worship should be killed. What do you think about that? People always think it means a physical
person will be killed. Well, governments can be killed too, when dictators are
There also will be persecution at the
end of the world as the next verse reveals. “He causeth all both small
and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand,
or on their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that has the
mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
this part is going to come to the individual. All the things I’ve described has
to do with governments of the world. Countries against countries, Now the part
of it that will get to the individual is when they begin to mark individual
people, and that is already being designed right now in the western world. You
cannot buy anything unless you have a credit card. And what’s credit card?
It’s just a card that has numbers. You can buy things for credit, and
then pay at the end of the month or later. Now the whole world is almost
following that same pattern. And what
they are now saying is that if everybody has to carry a card, it is not
safe. All you need in a card is the
number. So they’re now thinking to imprint the number on somebody’s hand—like a
tattoo or on somebody’s forehead. This
is being planned right now. Instead of
carrying a passport in your pocket, which may be lost, they’ll just tattoo the
passport number on your forehead or the palm of the hand. This is being planned
underground right now as we speak. They have the technology, they have the
means of doing it right now, and they are trying to sell it to the government
so that the government will begin to tattoo people like animals. If you have no
number, you will not be able to get into the country or travel out if you do
not have that tattoo. Or the bank
wouldn’t be able to take your money. Electronic-Money will go from bank to bank
without any currency anymore. That is
being planned, and at the end of the world, it’s only going to be the numbering
systems. Everyone would have a number written somewhere on their hand or their forehead.
God had seen it coming 2000 years before, and has told us about it. They’re already working on this from the
news we’re hearing. Some companies have devised this equipment that they can
use to imprint numbers on people. They’re already using it to put numbers on
animals; on cows, cattle, and goats. So that farmers can know their cows
without putting a tag on their neck. It’s just imprinted in the skin for
marketing purposes. But right now they
are trying to use the same equipment to tattoo human beings and they are
talking about it.
government has not bought into it yet, but the companies that wanted to sell it
to the government to use as an identification system are already trying to sell
it to the government. This is going on
underground. God has seen that they will use it at the end of the world.
But the bible has a word for every
believer that anyone that receives the number on his body is going to be lost
and will have his place in the lake of fire. You will see this in Revelation
chapter 14. This second beast is the one
that makes this happen. This second beast, which I pointed to as the North
American countries, the lamb that spoke like dragon through his technological
advancements, is making all of these things happen and making the whole world
to buy it. When they started the Internet, the whole world is on the Internet.
When they started the cell phone, the whole world is now buying cell
The same way, they are going to begin to tattoo
human beings. That is when they are going too far! Because we are not to be
numbered, nor to put numbers upon the skin for anything. God who created
mankind said it should not be done. He told the Israelites they should not
perform census without proper sin-offering.
Census that governments do, God said before they begin to do any census,
they must make a sacrifice. When David in the book of Kings made a census and
counted all the people of Israel, there was a plague in the land. (2Sam.24).
God said no, don’t count them. Let them multiply and fill the earth. The plan
of God is not the plan of mankind. Man is trying to control population, but
God created the population and he is
controlling it himself. So he does not want people to be tampering with that.
But when they tamper, it is the devil trying to kill human beings. That is the plan of the devil from the
beginning. The bible said the devil was a murderer, a liar from the beginning,
and a father of lies. From the beginning he has been a murderer.
Genesis chapter one, verse 28, “God
blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply. And replenish the earth and subdue it.” A lot of people said that was only then;
there was just two of them and now they have to stop multiplying. No! God never
withdrew his word. But human beings are trying to control population, they’re
trying to say do not have more than one boy and one girl; two children. All of those western, European countries are
doing that. They want to have only one
boy and one girl and no more. But God said, “be fruitful and multiply”. Don’t let anyone deceive you. The devil has his hands in all of those
policies that are going on in the world.
Population control: the devil has his hand in it. They are killing their babies in abortion
all over European countries and America.
Through abortion they are killing their babies. They are killing their babies before they
are born for free sex just to keep themselves doing whatever they want to do,
not fearing God. But the payday is coming.
This beast is spearheading all of these things in the world.
causeth them to have that mark in their right hand or in their forehead.
It says, “here is wisdom: let him that has
understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man; and
his number is six hundred threescore and six.”
This number has baffled people for centuries. What does that mean. Six, six, six; what
could that mean? And in this generation
people have said it symbolizes the computerization. Whatever it means, it will be the numbering system of mankind,
where technology will use number to tag people. On the computer, they use
number to recognize every person. As
long as the number is still put in a paper it’s okay, but when they begin to
brand it upon human beings, that is when God says it is enough they have gone
too far. The bible is saying anyone
that receives that mark will receive the wrath of God. (Rev.14:9-11). And at
the end of the world, that is when the persecution of the believers will come.
who have known this truth, when they cannot buy or sell, if they are still
around on the earth they are to resist it.
If they cannot buy or sell unless they get the mark, there will be
suffering. But those that endure unto
the end shall be saved. The word of God
has said it. Those who know the word of God will resist the temptation, they’ll
resist the devil; they will resist the mark of the beast.
preachers have predicted that there will be a time when the currencies of the
world will be canceled. It may not take
place in your country where you are listening to me. It may not be as effective in your country but it may be taking
effect in the European countries where the population is. It may be taking effect in the American
countries. There may be some of the
countries of the world that would be so remote that they would not be affected
by these things. But God is talking on
the worldwide scope. Some may escape
these things that will take place. Just
by the fact that they are very remote in their villages. They wouldn’t know what we are talking
about. But the world war that is going
to be the result of all these troubles or the result of all the devil’s
activities in the world, when that world war will take place and the nuclear
war that will destroy masses will take place, whether you are in your village,
the radiation will cover all villages too.
Whether or not you know what is going on in the world politics, when
they begin to bomb the whole world, you are not safe either. The only safe place is in the Lord Jesus
Christ. There is going to be world war and a nuclear war. They have enough
nuclear bombs to destroy everything on this planet earth. God said he will
bring all nations against Jerusalem to battle.
When that takes place and nuclear bomb is used, you, that is in your
remote village, are not safe either.
The radiation will cover the whole world. It will be like a plague to cover all the earth.
Apostle Peter mentioned it, that this world has been
reserved unto fire against the Day of Judgment and perdition of the ungodly.
(2Pet.3: 7). He said the heavens shall
melt. The fire he was talking about, and the melting, is actually nuclear
blast. Even the sky will melt; all the
clouds will seem as if they’re on fire.
That is what a nuclear radiation would do. All the waters and water
vapor in the sky will begin to burn, and that is what destroys masses. But God said he will stop it before
everything is destroyed. God said if
the days were not shortened no flesh would be saved. But because of the elect: there will still be the Elect of God on
earth. God said he will stop it. Nuclear bomb that is destroying all things
will suddenly stop and be non-effective anymore. This is the only hope human
beings have on earth, that Christ will stop the radiation before it destroys
everything on earth.
This is
why I said the only salvation is in Jesus. The only way of escape is in
Jesus. So come to Jesus today. Repent
and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Let him come into your heart and fill
you with the Holy Spirit. Only Jesus
can save.
believe that many Christians shall disappear in rapture before all these things
take place to meet the Lord Jesus Christ in the sky. Prepare to be one of them. By prayer, by fasting, by living holy,
looking unto Jesus. He said pray that you may be accounted worthy to escape all
these things that shall come upon the world, and to stand before the Son of
Man. Not just to escape, because some
people that died before the time have escaped these things we are describing. But
if they died in their sin, they perished and would not stand before the Son of
Lord Jesus Christ said you should “pray that you may be accounted worthy
to escape all these evil things that shall come upon the world, and to stand
before the Son of Man”. If you
escape by dying, make sure that you are dying in Christ so that you can stand
before God and live again on this planet.
But if you come to Jesus today, you can be one of them that meet Jesus
in the sky before all these things take place.
Ask Jesus
to come into your heart. Repent from your sins because it’s the sin of the
world that is going to make all these things happen: countries hating
countries, man hating man, neighbors hating neighbors, and all these
confrontations. Civil war in every country!
Come to
Jesus today and let him fill your heart with his love. The kingdom of God is
coming to take over the earth where righteousness alone will reign supreme. And
only the saints of God will reign. You also can be a Saint. He’s inviting you
right now. “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden; and I
will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and
lowly in heart and you shall find rest unto your soul. For my yoke is easy and
my burden is light.” Jesus Christ is calling you. Come to him and let him fill your heart with
the Holy Ghost so that you may have a hope of eternal life. Won’t you come
I pray
that the Lord will touch you and draw you closer to himself. Amen!
bless you.
Julius Adewumi
Distribution Ministry
Internet homepage:
Email: webmaster@gospeldistribution.org
I want to thank those
that have been sending offering to this ministry. Your investment and mine send the literature to believers and
send the word on radio. That is one
sure way we can send our money ahead of us to heaven. The Lord said: "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon
earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and
steal: But lay up for yourselves
treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where
thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will
your heart be also." (Mat. 6: 19-21).
"For we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can
carry nothing out." (1Tim. 6: 7).