Volume 2003/12
will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner”
(Mat.3: 12)
(From radio broadcast of Bro. Julius Adewumi)
chapter 9
the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth; and
to him was given the key to the bottomless pit.”
And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as
the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason
of the smoke of the pit.
there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have
power. It was commanded them that they
should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any
tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
v.6: “In those days shall men seek death, and
shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.”
Let’s talk about these locusts. Physical locusts normally eat green
trees. These were given commandment not
to hurt green trees but to hurt men.
This must be physical locusts since they were given instruction not to
attack plants, but to attack human beings which have not the seal of God in
their foreheads. These are creatures
that sting, like mosquitoes that can bite.
Mosquitoes are insects too, and they don’t go after plants. Mosquitoes go after animals or human beings
to suck blood. Locusts are bigger and
plenty. Suppose locusts were changed
from within to go after human, to suck blood just like mosquitoes do? That is what is stipulated in this plague. That is exactly what is described here in
Revelation chapter 9. The locusts’
poison will torment men for 5 full months before the poison is dissipated in
human blood. Let’s see how the bible
described these locusts, perhaps it was describing war-machines of the end of
time as some expositors may point out.
the shapes of the locusts were were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and
on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the
faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as
the teeth of lions. …..And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were
stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months ….One woe is
past; and there come two more
woes hereafter.”
That was the description of the
apocalyptical locusts. As I have said,
whether they are physical locusts or they are describing war-machines of the
end time, the scripture very well fits the description of physical locusts
(insects) that will be turned to plague the world. Why this is allowed is because men have not repented to turn to
the Lord. If they refuse to repent,
they will have to face this event that is coming at the end of the world. We are warning everybody right now to come
to Jesus because Jesus is the only way out of all these troubles.
will see in the next few verses that even after these plagues, men are set in
their heart that they will not repent from worshipping their false idols.
And the sixth angel sounded and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar
which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the
four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
voice told the trumpeter to lose the four angels. If they were four angels that were bound, it means they are
Satanic spirits that were bound in the prison yard in river Euphrates. We know where Euphrates is, in the middle
east. The bible is saying there are
devils bound in that river. There are
devils that are bound in several locations on earth, in hell, in some pits, and
some rivers.
“And the four angels were loosed, which were
prepared for an hour , and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the fourth part of men.”
angels to slay the fourth part of men.
Those four angels are not the only ones to do the killing. They are going to come with another bunch of
soldiers. 200 million horsemen.
From the description, are these physical
horsemen? The angels are spirits, which
will not be seen. But what about these horsemen,
are they spirits, or physical? Are
those horsemen human beings or are they demons?
From the description of these horsemen, we can say
these are demons. Demons are
dis-embodied spirits. Demons are causes
of diseases on earth now. Some very
wicked demons have been locked up and not allowed to roam the earth lest they
cause much affliction. This is another
occasion when God will allow those wicked spirits to attack mankind. This is specified to destroy one third of
Many other bible scholars have pointed out that this
could be warfare. The satanic angels
may simply influence the army of some countries to start terrorism. They will be like terrorists if they are
physical human beings. If they are
demons they will be causing plagues like the epidemic disease of AID virus and
such like. People may think some DNA is
causing the disease, but they are demons causing it. The only way out is to come to Jesus. There is a seal upon those that are servants of the Most High
God, as we saw in Revelation chapter 7, and you will just see that “a thousand
shall fall at our side, and ten thousands at our right hand, but it shall not
come near us.” That is the promise of
God in the book of Psalms 91 “They that dwell in the secret place of the Most
High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
That is why we are inviting you to come to Jesus,
because he has the power over all those plagues. Whether through some satanic angels, or through terrorist acts of
human beings, God is still the only one that is able to deliver.
Who knows
whether the current terrorism that is going on world-wide is a part of this
apocalypse described in the bible? You
can see that the satanic spirits to be loosed are to be from the middle-east
right there! Euphrates is where Afghanistan, Iraq, and those terrorist leaders
are situated.
Know that every thing that is going on in the world
is directed from the spirit world. You
may think those Arabs who claimed to be doing holy-jihad with terrorism upon
other countries are fighting for some rights.
I tell you, there are satanic spirits behind every wickedness and
violence. There are satanic spirits
instigating all those terrorism.
When you have God as your refuge, and walk by the
faith of God, then you can enjoy the promise of God, which said “only with your
eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked”. All these events are to bring an end to the
world as we know it. After this is
over, God will bring his own kingdom, and there shall be a new heaven and a new
earth. The saints will be resurrected
to live on this planet again.
So whether the 200 million horsemen are terrorists
or demons causing plagues and diseases, only God can save and only Jesus Christ
can deliver. Only those who have the
seal of God in their foreheads shall be protected from those evils. Won’t you come to be one of them that Jesus
Christ will protect? That is why we are
preaching this to you.
apocalyptic horsemen are very likely 200 million demons. Demons are spirits. In their world they are horsemen, but to
this world they may be like viruses causing diseases.
The bible
calls it plague. Behind the plague is
the world of demons that the medical people cannot see under the
microscope. They may see cells breaking
up and call them viruses. They are
demons that are affecting those cells. There
are spirits effecting those cells that can be spoken to in the name of the
Lord, and when we speak to them and rebuke them, they will be thrown back to
the pit of hell from where they came.
That is why we say only God can save! Only Jesus can deliver. He has given his Angels charge over us to
keep us in all our ways. That is how we
are protected.
Here is the state of the world when all this things
will be taking place.
V.20: “The
rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the
works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold
and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood which neither can see nor hear,
nor walk:
Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their
sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.”
make up your mind right now. Whether
you like it or not, this will take place.
Run for refuge! Run for protection in Jesus. The bible said “As many as receive him, to them gave he power
to become the children of God, even to them that believe in his name.” As we have read, only those men who have not
the seal of God in their foreheads are being hurt by the locusts, and by the
demonic horsemen. How do you get the
seal of God? Accept the Lord Jesus
Christ as your Lord and Savior.
How do
you overcome these terrible things that is coming at the end of the world? Let’s see in Psalm 91.
Pestilences and plagues listed in the bible by those
200 million demonic horsemen are to last for over a year. The medical world will be searching for
vaccine to combat it and will not be able, till one third of the population is
wiped out. Only God can stop it when he
blows those demons back to the prison yard where they come from. Terrible things are listed for the end of
the world my friend! Only Jesus can
save. Come to Jesus right now and be sealed for protection. Population of the earth will be reduced; one
third killed, here and there, another one fourth here and there! Men are trying to control population by
aborting their babies, or telling women to have fewer babies in some
countries. When this apocalypse starts,
the world population will reduce itself.
The ungodly will destroy itself by war.
Then, plague and pestilences will destroy multitude others. Because God has said, the soul that sins shall die.
Let’s see how God will deliver the just in the day
of trouble. Psalm 91 said, “He that
dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of
the Almighty”. It said “he”, which
means, individual. God is calling you
as a person. He said, “come unto me
all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Christ is inviting you as an individual to
come and be saved and protected.
These are all the promises: v.6 “Surely he shall deliver thee from the
snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence”. Whether pestilence send by God or by the
devil, or send by terrorists, or send by natural causes, accidents in the nuclear
plants, God can deliver you.
The bible said, “He shall cover thee with his
feathers and under his wings shall you trust.”
v.5 “Thou
shall not be afraid for the terror by night; “ terror by terrorists, God said you will not
be afraid when you dwell in the secret place of the Most High.
for the arrow that flieth by day”;
What could be the arrow that flieth by day? Some mass murderers shooting in the streets? Or a bomb to destroy masses! God said under his shadow, you will be
protected from those bombs.
“Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness”; Be it plague, like the demonic horsemen at the end of the world,
200 million of them, the bible said you will be protected when you are dwelling
in the secret place of the Most High.
That is the secret place we are inviting you to dwell right now, to come and accept Jesus Christ as
your Lord and Savior.
“Nor for the destruction that wasted at noon
day.” You may go into an
office and they blow up the building: God says you can be protected, you can be
out of that place before the building blows up. Begin to practice to listen to his voice. Amen!
The men of the world did not repent after all those
pestilences. What is your own idol
today? Throw it away and accept Jesus
as your Lord and Savior, and have the hope of eternal life before it is too
God bless you.
Bro. Julius Adewumi
Excerpt From Jane Lead’s
Signs of the times
(published 1699)
(Begin Quote)
§XXIII. It remains now to
observe what from the Redoubled seven Eyes have been truly discerned: The signs
forerunning, and those that follow, as evidences when the Kingdom
is truly come. And it will begin, as it was in the First Paradise, in
Male and Female, through the restoration of the lost Eternal Virgin-Nature. And
as Eve did suck in the Serpently Venom, and introduced it into the First
Adam, and thereby corrupted and involved him in the same transgression,
whereby there was a going out, and dividing from God the Eternal Root; whence
the Banishment out of Paradise was pronounced, and an exclusion and loss
of the Kingdom and Dominion: so the Virgin rises in her Room to draw and feed
upon that Tree of Life, and having tasted of the Virtue thereof, gives
to her chosen and elected Mate, so known and assigned to stand in the Room of
him that brought in Sorrow and the Curse. That must Die and be extinguished as
this Tree of Life, by this true eternal Marriage of the Male and Female, shall
come to spring up in Fruitful Powers. Then comes forth the renewing of that
Blessed Word, that God spake in the Beginning. Gen. 1.28. And God blessed
them, and God said unto them, be Fruitful and Multiply and replenish the Earth,
and subdue it. And have Dominion over the Fish of the Sea, and over the Fowl of
the Air, over every Living thing that moveth upon the Earth. Now this has been obliterated and lost
out of Possession in that lapsed Generation, that proceeded from the first Adam,
for these many Ages of time that have past over. But the grace and purpose of
God cannot be Nullified; but must be made good: The pure Eternal Virgin-Nativity will recover it self, and stand over
all this Apostatized State: whereby an end may be put to the Sinful Progeny of
the Old World. But this great Renovation and Change, will rise and come on
Gradually. So from hence a New Generation shall spread and multiply here upon
the Earth, as a deified Leaven, that shall eat out the bitter and sour Leaven,
that had got into depraved Nature.
§ XXIV. After this manner the Kingdom
of God and his Christ, shall come to be made manifest. Blessed are those that
shall stand in the Lot of this Age and Time, worthily taking notice how the
fore-mentioned Signs do go forward on, as a sure Prelude how near the Kingdom
of God is:
§ XXV. I must not omit here, to
give the Reader caution to avoid a mistake, concerning the two Representative
Figures made mention of. As to the manner of Generation, it is all Purely
Spiritual as the Holy Ghost, shall go forth from them, to overshadow and give a
conception in such as are Predestinate to bring forth Christ, numerously
through corporeal Forms, in his various Spiritual Stature, as from an infant of
Days, to the full grown Age. When this Blessed Day shall from on high, spring
for the bringing down this Kingdom of Heaven, there will be Marriages of
another kind than what has been, all Spiritual, Angelical and Divine: From
whence a pure and holy Progeny shall stand in this latter Day upon the Earth;
Born as Princely Heirs to Reign with Christ in these lower Regions.
§ XXVI. Further it is also to be
taken notice of, that the first Figurative Representatives of this new Modelled
Kingdom, in which the Paradisiacal Male and Female, do express Christ and the
Virgin, taking up Elementary form, they stand United most intimately, and yet
distinct: The Male has his Virgin in himself, and so from thence may multiply a
Spiritual Offspring, as was proposed in the first Adam. And on the other
Hand, the Female Virgin shall have her Male Power and Spirit in her self, to
bring forth in the like manner, according to the excellent Might of the God-Man
so incorporating with the Virgin-mind. So that here will be no dependency upon
what is without themselves, each one having the Deified Seed, to procreate
these Angelical Births from themselves. And though it may be the Wisdom and
Counsel of God to take up two Figures, in order to the Matrimonial Tie, yet no
bonds will upon them be, as to their outward Persons being confined either to
place or time; For when the happy Day for their rising and appearance shall be,
it will stand in that Glorious liberty, that they may be either Resident
together in one Family, or otherwise in two different Nations, for there shall
be no let hereby to their United Spirit and Power, that shall Co-work together
for the bringing forth, and spreading the Miraculous Powers of Christ’s
Kingdom. For by pure Act of Omnipotent Power, this new Creation State must be
maintained and upheld. Which Government and Authority, will be so surely fixed
and entailed, as never yet has been known in the World since the Creation. For
the Tide must turn, and the Satanical Powers and Kingdom must give way to the
Virgin with her Male-Birth, that shall with the Rod of Iron all opposing
Nations crush, and bring under. But others shall see and submit to this Day of
Christ’s Glorious Sovereignty, offering themselves willingly to be admitted as
Subjects of this Kingdom and Dominion, that is given to the Saints of the Most
High. The Motives hereunto will be so great and marvelous, as shall invite all
from the highest degrees and ranks of Persons, to the lowest of Conditions:
there is a Gate of Paradise that shall be opened, to such as can
derive their descent and Birth-degree, from the Virgin and the Father of
§ XXVII. Now it must be further
declared, what was Figuratively represented of a fiery Horn filled with Oil,
that was held in the Hand of an Angelical Person, that was sent forth to Sound:
and a Voice was heard saying, Cry aloud, and it was answered, what
shall I Cry? And it was said again, O Earth, Earth cast forth thy Dead,
that have lain buried with Christ their Head. The power of which Sound, did
make the Earth to tremble. And by the dropping Oil out of the fiery Horn gave a
Resurrection, Mystically, to all that were dead to the Delight, Love, and
Resting in this outward Principle. These were those that were Signed and
Marked, to be made partakers of the first Resurrection-Life; over whom
the second Death had no Power, having received the Royal Stamp and Dignifying
Power, to Reign as Kings and Priests and Prophets: having the Ghostly Seal upon
them of the Father and of the Son. And these being as the first Fruits of God
and the Lamb, shall go forth to awaken those that are after another manner
Dead, in a sensual and Earthly Life, by sounding forth the Love-call of God to
those that are yet Strangers, to the Knowledge of this blessed
§ XXVIII. But here it is to be
understood, that these do first rise but in the Child-like State, and so grow
up as Christ himself did in Wisdom and Stature. This being as the time of their
Minority, they cannot suddenly reach to the full possession of their
Inheritance and Kingdom: but as Princely Spirits they will be brought up, and
served, according to their high Spiritual Birth-Degree. As Moses was
brought up in all the Learning of the Egyptians, as the Son of Pharaoh’s
Daughter, so shall these Heaven-born Children be taught, disciplined and
instructed in all the divine Arts in the Royal Court of God their Father, and
the new Jerusalem their true Native Mother. From which may be expected
the great Deeds and Wonders to be acted forth, after the manner of Moses,
and of the Prophets and Apostles: and that in a degree more eminent and
Glorious than all has been heretofore; because it will be the manifestation of
the great Day of Christ’s setting up his Kingdom and Reign here upon Earth,
over all Nations and Kingdoms, which yet never has been: but the Prophesies
hereof are now at hand to be fulfilled. Therefore it is foreseen and shown,
that this fiery Horn does forerun the Seventh Angel’s Sounding; thus to
awaken and raise the Dead.
§ XXIX. O ye great and mighty
Ones of the Earth, know this Love-Horn has its Commission to you to blow. That
so a Resurrection-Life you may advance unto; to put on such Princely Glory, as
you need never fear to be Disrobed of. Sure nothing can prevail with such a
Love-call as this, for the giving such a full out of the Delights and Pleasures
of the Earth. Which will be the most admirable, because hither towards, God has
chosen the Poor of this World and the Weaker and Foolish things, to confound
the Wise and the Things that are mighty; so that not many wise Men after the
Flesh, not many Mighty, not many Noble are called: But now it is understood and
perceived, that there is a peculiar purpose and good will of God to these; as
many as will incline to obey. Who may account it their more abundant Dignity,
Pleasure, and Honor, to serve in the Courts of the mighty God and King;
Improving all their Interest and Power from him; and counting it their great
happiness that they have any Powers, and opportunity, in their Hands, to
promote the Reign of Christ in Spirit, according to all that has been made
manifest. Thus ye would be as mighty Presidents to turn the Stream and Tide,
that hath run so vehemently downwards for the propping up the Satanical and
Earthly Kingdom: and cause it as mighty Torrent to run for the Spiritual and
Heavenly Kingdom, which may hereby come to spread as Lightning through all
§ XXX. The second Cry that
sounded out of this fiery Ghostly Horn, is to awaken such Pastors and Watchmen
as may go forth in the Power and Spirit of Elijah, to turn the Hearts of
the Fathers to the Children, and the Disobedient to the Wisdom of the Just, for
which the Age of Time is now ripening, that such Shepherds God will raise up,
as shall feed his Flocks, from a lively Ministration of his own Spirit; and no
longer from a low Traditionary Form; for taking up a rest therein: but to move
and press themselves and excite others, to reach this Resurrection-Mark. When
God shall revive this ancient Prophetical, and Apostolical Spirit in a Public
Ministry, this will be a great Sign that the Harvest of Christ’s Kingdom is to
be gathered in. Therefore a Healing Embassage from Heaven is now sent down,
that calleth and urgeth for a Universal Harmony and Unity: Wherefrom may be
expected a marvelous and wonderful Change, in bringing out of all Strife,
Contention and Division. For the Prince of Love, and Peace, is near to pitch
his Throne-Dominion, and Kingdom, first invisibly and Spiritually in the Hearts
and Minds; from whence will go forth such mighty influencing Powers, as shall
cause all that is destructive to this Love-Kingdom to cease. Highly favored and
blessed will those Holy Watchmen be, that in a Reconciling Spirit shall
be sent forth, to prepare a People as Subjects to the mighty King: who in
Judgment, Truth, and Righteousness must over the whole Earth Rule and Reign.
§ XXXI. So according to these
fore-mentioned Signs, and Prophetical Sounds, a lively hope may spring in the
Faithful, who do continually intercede; wait, and pray for the Resurrection-flock
to be gathered in, to feed under the overshadowing Power of the mighty God and
Savior. To whom alone Renown, Praise, and Glory will here-from throughout the
Earth spread.
(End Quote)
Julius Adewumi
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