Chapter 2


After I knew the love of Jesus and was saved from my sins, filled with the Holy Ghost, I started a new drama, since the Lord called me into the ministry. I want you to learn from these experiences, and I pray that the Lord will quicken your heart to the fact that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood" when we live godly in the world or when we try to convert someone to the Lord Jesus Christ's kingdom, for we wrestle against "principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickednesses in high places." Therefore, put on the whole armor of God (Eph.6:13-17).

The next episode happened when I started a fellowship at the satellite Earth station's staff quarters, in Nigeria (where I was working). The Lord told me to start a Bible study group in the place. Therefore, I sent out a circular to all the families inviting them to the Bible study, which was to begin to meet every Sunday evening. At the first meeting, there was a large turnout of housewives and their children. You will be surprised to realize that some of those housewives were involved with witchcraft. You may say, "How did you know?" I'll tell you how I knew. In fact, some of them finally confessed, and the Lord really wanted to deliver some people in that station from diseases and witch attacks during the time. I had been living in those quarters for almost two years before the Lord said I should start the Bible study. Before then, I usually traveled out to other towns and cities to preach the Gospel.

When we started the Bible study, some pregnant women who were being troubled by fear, also turned up, and they asked for prayer. You see, most of those witches cast fear upon people, especially women in pregnancy, causing them to imagine or dream of hard labour or other evil things during the delivery of their baby. The witches would send demons of sickness to innocent women like that, after fear had already won their mind. (But remember, the Bible said: fear not!") and the Lord wanted to deliver many of such women in that station; therefore, they needed to know the word of God and the promises of Jesus Christ.

The first Sunday that we met, something happened that began to teach me wisdom. When all those women gathered, a particular group of four women that were like friends also came. However, we preached the word to them about salvation, healing, and deliverance in the name of Jesus. After the meeting, those four women went and gathered at the junction to my apartment while I drove my vehicle past, coming from the fellowship hall. I had two other brethren with me who helped in conducting the meeting.

When we left the vehicle to go inside the house, the Lord moved on me to call the brethren back and tell them not to go into the house yet, and because they were ahead of me, the attack would have been fatal upon them. So I called them, "Let's stay here and talk for a while." When they came back, I moved ahead of them and said, "Let's even go inside my apartment." Somehow, the Lord wanted me to be in the front, because those witches had planned evil against me on the way to my apartment. That was about 7:00 P.M. in the evening.

Behold, what I am telling you right now is daylight experience, and we are talking of spiritual things. The babe will not comprehend it. Also, concerning the deliverance that the Lord has wrought upon the earth for us Christians, the carnal mind and the scientific mind will not value it. Even if you are forty years in Christianity, you can still be a babe if you do not believe the testimony of those who tell of their experiences. We cannot but speak that which we have heard and seen, and which we have received from the Lord, comparing Scriptures with Scriptures, to be able to scripturally explain reality, knowing that these things are in the world. Let the simple receive wisdom and thereby take heed unto the gospel that was delivered unto him; that in Jesus Christ is salvation and if you give your life to Jesus, surrender yourself to the master's use wholeheartedly, because the battle is against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickednesses in high places.

These testimonies are real-life experiences, like eyewitness news. When you read further therefore, you will begin to know that God was wise when he told us that "Be ye not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed in the renewing of your mind" and "Present your body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto the Lord, which is your reasonable service." He said also that "ye are not your own ... ye are bought with a price." When you therefore understand the importance of all these instructions from the Lord, you will yield your members for righteous works only and thereby glorify God in your members. It is then that God will forever defend you.

As I was saying, that evening, I started leading the brethren back into my apartment. On the way, I ripped a cobweb with my forehead. The cobweb was invisible, yet it touched my forehead as a physical string, and there was no pole or wall on the way that one might have said the cobweb was spread in the way by a spider, an insect. When the spiders spread their cobwebs, they are traps for flies to get caught inside of, so that the spiders can feed upon them. But this time it was an invisible, yet tangible cobweb, and I understood the meaning of it from listening to past experiences of men. It simply was a spiritual cobweb from those witches who were standing at the junction looking at us. I did not know they were involved in witchcraft until those experiences started. There were four gathered at that junction, and four that attacked me in my sleep that same night, as you will read in the next chapter. Whoever got into their cobweb was whom they would attack like spiders. No wonder the Lord wanted me to be in front, lest the other weaker brethren who would not be able to handle the situation in the name of the Lord be attacked.

When I walked into the cobweb, I simply understood, pleaded the blood of Jesus, and rebuked in the name of the Lord the devils that had done that. Later, I dismissed the other brethren and went to bed; then came the human spiders!

You see, those witches realized what God was going to do with the Bible study we started that day. They knew God was intending to deliver many people that those witch-women had taken as prey, just to afflict them with disease as they pleased. But when they realized that this minister of the gospel was starting the Bible study and inviting everybody, they knew that if we were allowed to continue, they would not be able to afflict many people anymore, because those people would bring their afflictions to the Bible study for prayer. (And only prayer in the name of Jesus overpowers the witchcraft.) They knew also that by prayer, Jesus would remove the people's affliction and might even stop the witches' activities in the spirit world. So they thought of stopping me quickly. They often use the principle of the spider's cobweb to select whom they will attack, but I have overcome the world, because Jesus Christ in me has overcome the world. Also, the Bible said: "There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come near thy dwelling." Amen. That is the promise of God! I only spoke the Bible verse into the air when I felt that cobweb: "To whoever has done this, it is written, there shall no evil befall me; neither shall any plague come near my dwelling. Fear the Lord and depart from evil, in Jesus' name!"

That was what the Lord Jesus taught me to do always: "Speak The Word Only." Amen!

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